Dr. Leahy’s Scheduled Events


Professional Presentation Schedule for Dr. Robert L. Leahy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Regret.

Distinguished Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry

McGill University Montreal, CanadaNovember 6

The inevitable painful emotions of life: Nurturing the ability to feel everything.

XIII Congress of the Latin American Federation of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (CLAPCCO)

Merida, MexicoMay 9

Workshop: Living with feelings you think you should not have

Bespoke mental health CanadaOnlineApril 25
Weill Cornell Psychology Thinking about other people’s feelings: An Emotional Schema ModelGrand roundsOnlineApril 17
Living with feelings you think you should not haveWorkshop: Nachas ConsultingOnlineApril 3
Coping with RegretInvited lecture Sixth Annual Congress of Iranian Psychotherapy AssociationOnlineFebruary 28
Emotional Schema Therapy: Coping with Unwanted but Inevitable Emotions.Association Française de Thérapie Cognitive et Comportementale https://www.aftcc.orgWebinar Paris, FranceJanuary 16
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for DepressionYale Alumni TalksOnlineNovember 19
You Shouldn’t Feel That Way— But You Do: Coping With Difficult Emotions Such As RegretKeynote: 17th International Conference of Clinical Psychology https://www.clinicalpsychologycongress.com/programOnlineNovember 15
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for RegretV International Science and Practice Oriented Conference “CBT Approach in Counseling and Psychotherapy”OnlineNovember 7-9
CBT for regretWorkshop: Nachas Consulting.OnlineOctober 31
Living with feelings you think you should not haveWorkshop: Bespoke Mental HealthLondon, United KingdomSeptember 19
Cognitive behavior therapy for regret.Virtual grand roundsHackensack Meridian School of MedicineSeptember 18
You shouldn’t feel that way-but you do: Coping with Difficult EmotionsKeynote: European Association of behavioral and cognitive therapy.Belgrade, SerbiaSeptember 6
São Paulo, Brazil neuroscience conferenceKeynote: Living with difficult emotions.OnlineSeptember 3
The use and misuse of regret: An emotional schema model.Keynote: Brazilian Federation of Cognitive Therapies (FBTC) XVI CBTCNatal, BrazilApril 19
The Use and Misuse of Regret.Grand Rounds PsychologyWeill Cornell Medical College.April 18
Regret: A Cognitive Behavioral Model.Grand roundsInstitute for living (Yale Medical)April 11
Emotional Schemas (Beliefs and Strategies about Emotion)Keynote: Sixth International Conference on PsychiatryRiyadh, Saudi ArabiaDecember 2
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Decision MakingMaster Clinician Presentation: Association for Behavioral Cognitive TherapySeattle, WashingtonNovember 16-19
Emotional Schema Therapy: Helping Clients Cope With Difficult EmotionsGlobal Ambassador Lecture (online), Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesOnline WebinarSeptember 15
Decision making and regretWorkshop: World Congress for cognitive
behavioral therapy
Seoul, KoreaJune 1-4
CBT for RegretKeynote: World Congress for cognitive
behavioral therapy
Seoul, KoreaJune 1-4
Beliefs About Emotions in Psychopathology and PsychotherapyFranco Angeli PublishersWebinarMay 3
CBT for RegretWorkshop New York City CBT associationNew York CityApril 28
Regret: Productive and UnproductiveEve Stoddard Memorial LectureDrexel University, Philadelphia, PAApril 26
Emotional Schema TherapyWorkshop: CLAPCCO 2023 – Latin American Federation of Cognitive and Behavioral PsychotherapiesMontevideo, UruguayMarch 30
CBT for RegretKeynote: CLAPCCO 2023 – Latin American Federation of Cognitive and Behavioral PsychotherapiesMontevideo, UruguayMarch 29
Cognitive behavior therapy for regretAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaWebinarMarch 23
CBT for RegretOnline Association of behavioral and cognitive therapyWebinarDecember 1
Regret: A CBT Approach. Master Clinician PresentationAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive
New York CityNovember 19
CBT for RegretGrand Rounds PsychologyWeill Cornell Medical CollegeOctober 29
CBT for Regret. Master ClassXIX CLAMOC PANAMA 2022 – The Transforming Impact of CBT as A Legacy of Aaron Beck (XIX Clamoc Panamá 2022 – EL Impacto Transformador De La Tcc Como Legado De Aaron Beck) PanamaOctober 2
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for RegretPolish Academy of Motivational InterviewingOn LineJune 18
CBT for Regret (Keynote)Latin American Association Of CBTOn LineJune 9
CBT for Regret (Workshop)British Association of Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapyOn LineApril 27
Emotion during the time of terrorPolish CBT Association Initiative for refugeesOn LineApril 26
Coping with worryPolish CBT Association Initiative for refugeesOn LineApril 12
The Human Side of CBTPolish Association of CBTOn LineApril 9
CBT for RegretCBT CaliforniaOn LineFebruary 8
Keynote : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Regret25th Anniversary Conference Latin-American Federation of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies – ALAPCCO November 4
Emotional schema therapy workshopPolish CBT Association ConferenceKrakow, Poland (webinar)July 2
Keynote: Emotions we are told we should not havePolish CBT Association ConferenceKrakow, Poland (webinar)July 2
Master Class: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for RegretTenth International Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyMay 12-15
Keynote: Emotional Schema Therapy: Coping With Emotions We are Told We Should Not HaveTenth International Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyMay 12-15
Pre-Congress Full Day Workshop: Emotional Schema Therapy for Difficult EmotionsTenth International Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyMay 12-15
Grand Rounds: Emotional Schema TherapyMcGill University HealthMontreal, Quebec (Canada)February 19
Master Clinician Seminar: Envy: A Cognitive Behavioral ApproachThe Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)Philadelphia, PANovember 19th-22nd
Emotional Schema Therapy: Deepening the Meaning of Therapy (Workshop)CBT REACHLondon, UKOctober 29th
CBT for Chronic WorryWeill-Cornell Cognitive Therapy CenterNew York, NYOctober 1st
Workshop Webinar: Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive TherapyRussian Association for Cognitive Behavior TherapySt. Petersburg, RussiaSeptember 24
Emotional Schema Therapy for Jealousy and EnvyInternational Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies of LaPICC-USPSao Paulo, BrazilSeptember 5
Webinar Workshop: Using CBT to Cope with the PandemicRussian Cognitive Behavioral Therapy AssociationSt. Petersburg, RussiaApril 30th & May 1st
Webinar Presentation: Emotional Schema TherapyHawaii Psychological AssociationHawaii, U.SApril 20th
Grand Rounds: Emotional Schema TherapyMcGill University HealthMontreal, Quebec CanadaApril 17th
Workshop: YOU Are Not Supposed to Feel That Way: Making Room For Difficult EmotionsCognitive Behavioral CentreSão Paulo, BrazilMarch 13th
You Shouldn’t Feel That Way: Changing Beliefs and Strategies About Disparaged EmotionsNYC CBTNew York, NYFebruary 26th
Psychology Grand Rounds: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for RegretWeill Cornell Medical CollegeNew York, NYJanuary 23rd
Master Clinician Seminar: YOU Are Not Supposed to Feel That Way: Making Room For Difficult EmotionsAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 53rd Annual ConventionAtlanta, GA, USNovember 21-24
Emotional Schema Therapy: Making Room for Difficult Emotions6th National CBT Congress: Greek Association for Cognitive Behavioral PsychotherapiesThessaloniki, GreeceOctober 12th
Emotional Schema TherapyPhiladelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM)Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaOctober 4th
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for RegretPhiladelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM)Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaOctober 3rd
Paper: Populism: A Cognitive Therapy Perspective In Symposium: International Politics: A Cognitive Therapy PerspectiveNinth World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Berlin, GermanyJuly 16th – 20th
Half Day Workshop: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Decision Making: Helping Clients Avoid Problematic ChoicesNinth World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive TherapiesBerlin, GermanyJuly 16th – 20th
Regret: A Cognitive Behavior Therapy ApproachNinth World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive TherapiesBerlin, GermanyJuly 16th – 20th
Keynote: “You Are Not Supposed To Feel That Way”: Making Room for Difficult EmotionsNinth World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive TherapiesBerlin, GermanyJuly 16th – 20th
Pre-Congress Workshop: Emotional Schema Therapy: Deepening the Meaning of TherapyNinth World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive TherapiesBerlin, GermanyJuly 16th – 20th
Full day Workshop: Using Emotion to Deepen Therapy: An Emotional Schema ApproachSwiss Association for Cognitive PsychotherapyGeneva, SwitzerlandMay 25th
Emotional Schema Therapy: Deepening the meaning of therapyRussian Association of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy.Moscow, RussiaMay 12th
Repressed emotions: jealousy, envy, boredom, ambivalenceRussian Association of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy.St. Petersburg, RussiaMay 11th
Webinar Keynote: Emotions We Are Told We Should Not Have: Jealousy, Envy, and Ambivalence2nd Annual Congress of the Iranian Psychotherapy AssociationTehran, IranJanuary 31st
Presentation: Disparaged Emotions, Jealousy, Envy, Boredom, AmbivalenceWestchester County Psychological AssociationScarsdale, New YorkDecember 14th
Master Clinician Seminar: Regret: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ApproachAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Washington, D.C.November 15th- 18th
Full day Workshop: Emotional Schema TherapyKorean Association of Cognitive Behavioral TherapySeoul, South KoreaSeptember 16th
Half day Workshop: Coping with Resistance in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyKorean Association of Cognitive Behavioral TherapySeoul, South KoreaSeptember 15th
Keynote: Disparaged Emotions: Envy, Jealousy, Ambivalence and BoredomKorean Association of Cognitive Behavioral TherapySeoul, South KoreaSeptember 15th
Panel: Talking at the Border: What Current Constructivist Versions of Cognitive Behavioral and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Have to Offer Each OtherSociety for the Exploration of Psychotherapy IntegrationNew York, New YorkMay 31st- June 2nd
Symposium: Emotional Schema TherapySociety for the Exploration of Psychotherapy IntegrationNew York, New YorkMay 31st- June 2nd
Webinar: The Role of Emotion in CBT: An Emotional Schema ApproachCamboim & Petrucci Institute Natal, Brazil April 12th
Poster Presentation: Emotional Schemas and Emotion Regulation StrategiesThe Anxiety and Depression Association of America    Washington, D.C.April 7th
Workshop: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for EnvyThe Anxiety and Depression Association of AmericaWashington, D.C.April 5th
Grand Rounds: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Pathological JealousyWeill Cornell Medical College New York, New YorkMarch 15th
Keynote: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Worry (Webinar)Iranian Psychotherapy AssociationTehran, IranFebruary 14th-16th
Webinar: Modern Integrative CBT for DepressionRussian Association of Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapySt. Petersburg, RussiaFebruary 9th-10th
Clinical Round Table: Demonstration of Two Psychotherapy Approaches with One ClientAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesSan Diego, CaliforniaNovember 16th-19th
Master Clinician Seminar: Cognitive Therapy for Decision Making: Overcoming Problems in How People Make Faulty DecisionsAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesSan Diego, CaliforniaNovember 16th-19th
Keynote: Emotional Schema Therapy: Using Emotions to Deepen Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Webinar)National Conference on CBTMexico City, MexicoNovember 18th
Speech: Disparaged EmotionsBeck Institute Excellence SummitPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania October 7th
Symposium: Narcissistic Negotiation: Cognitive Behavioral Insights to Conflict Resolution and International NegotiationCongress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesLjubljana, Slovenia September 13-16
Keynote: Emotional Schema TherapyCongress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesLjubljana, Slovenia September 13-16
Workshop: Emotional Schemas and PsychopathologyCongress of the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesLjubljana, Slovenia September 13-16
Clinical Roundtable: Integrative and Multimodal CBTInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyTransylvania, Romania June 29- July 2
Keynote: Emotional Schemas and PsychopatholoyInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyTransylvania, Romania June 29- July 2
Workshop: Emotional Schema TherapyInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyTransylvania, Romania June 29- July 2
Workshop: Emotional Schemas in CBT and Beyond: Using Emotional Experience to Treat Problems and Deepen MeaningMedipsy Psychological ServicesMontreal, Canada  April 7
Lecture:  Emotion Regulation in PsychopathologyAdelphi UniversityNew York, NY December 9
Workshop: Coping with Jealousy and Envy: A CBT Approach NJ CBT Association  TBA December 4
Lecture:  Emotion Regulation in PsychopathologyAdelphi UniversityHyde Park, NY November 8
Workshop: Emotion Regulation in CBTAcademia Mysli & EmocjiWarsaw, Poland November 5
Workshop: CBT for WorryAcademia Mysli & EmocjiWarsaw, Poland November 4
 Master Clinician Seminar: Overcoming Roadblocks in CBTAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYOctober 27-30
Keynote: Theory of Emotion: Emotional Schemas and PsychopathologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesBelfast, Northern Ireland June 14- 17
 Workshop: Emotional Schemas in CBTBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapiesBelfast, Northern Ireland June 14- 17
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for WorryRussian Association for Cognitive Behavior Therapy St. Petersburg, Russia May 15
Workshop: Emotion Regulation in PsychotherapyFinnish Association of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyHelsinki, Finland May 12-13
Workshop: Emotion and Psychopathology: A CBT Approach New Jersey Psychological AssociationClark, NJ April 17
Workshop:  Cognitive Behavior Therapy for JealousyAnxiety and Depression Association of AmericaPhiladelphia, PA March 31- April 2
Metacognition and Emotional Schemas Poster Presentation (with P. Wupperman and S. Shivaji) Anxiety and Depression Association of AmericaPhiladelphia, PA March 31- April 2
Grand Rounds: Beliefs About Emotion and PsychopathologyWeill Cornell MedicineNew York, NYMarch 17
Webinar: The Therapeutic RelationshipGreek Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Association  January 29
Master Clinician Presentation: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for EnvyAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Chicago, IL November
Clinical Roundtable: Transforming Negative Reactions to Clients: From Frustration to Compassion.Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesChicago, IL November
Metacognition, Ristk-Aversion, Depression, and Anxiety Poster Presentation (with P.L. Wupperman and S. Shivaji)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Chicago, IL November
Emotional Schemas in CBT Presentation to Cognitive Therapy SIGAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesChicago, IL November
Workshop:  Emotional Schemas and PsychotherapyMexican Psychological Society Cancun, Mexuco October 6-8
Keynote: Emotional Schemas and PsychopathologyMexican Psychological Society Cancun, Mexico October 6-8
Workshop: Using Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Emotional Schemas and Processes of ChangeBrazilian Congress of Cognitive TherapyRecife, BrazilApril 15-18
Keynote: Emotional Schema Therapy: How Theory of Emotion Leads to Emotion DysregulationBrazilian Congress of Cognitive TherapyRecife, BrazilApril 15-18
Grand Rounds Workshop: Emotion Regulation and PsychopathologyNassau University Medical CenterEast Meadow, NYMarch 25
Presentation:  Cognitive Therapy for Jealousy (webinar)Anxiety and Depression Association of America  March 19
Presentation: EnvyWeill Cornell Cognitive Therapy Center New York, NY February 27
Workshop: Emotion Regulation and PsychopathologyCenter for Cognitive Therapy and SupervisionCopenhagen, DenmarkJanuary 23
Keynote: A CBT Approach for Chronic Worry7th National Mental Health Conference in NorwayTrondheim, NorwayJanuary 19-21
Seminar: Treatment Plans and Interventions for Anxiety and Depression Disorders7th National Mental Health Conference in NorwayTrondheim, NorwayJanuary 19-21
Workshop: CBT for WorryNJ Association of Cognitive Behavioral TherapistsWestfield, NJDecember 7
Master Clinician Presentation; CBT for JealousyAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesPhiladelphia, PANovember 20-23
Discussant: Mobilizing Technology to Enhance CBT: Using Smartphone Delivery Systems for Assessment, Intervention, and PreventionAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesPhiladelphia, PANovember 20-23
Discussant: Symposium: “Expanding the Depth and Scope of Contemporary Behavior Therapy: Interdisciplinary Conversations on Meaningful Clinical Outcomes”Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesPhiladelphia, PANovember 20-23
Workshop: CBT for WorryAdelphi UniversityGarden City, NYOctober 31
Clinical Round Table: What is high quality CBT training?International Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyHong Kong, ChinaJune 24-27
Clinical Round Table: The Use of Socratic Dialogue for Guided Discovery in Cognitive Behavior TherapyInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyHong Kong, ChinaJune 24-27
Keynote: Emotional Schemas: How Theory of Emotion Leads to Personal and Interpersonal Emotion DysregulationInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyHong Kong, ChinaJune 24-27
Workshop: Emotional Schemas and Cognitive TherapyInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyHong Kong, ChinaJune 24-27
Workshop: Seven Steps to Overcoming WorryBeat Anxiety Now – World Online Summit 2014Online WebinarJune 19
Workshop: Emotion RegulationThe Le RoyalOttawa, Ontario, CanadaMay 30
Presentation: Jealousy and Envy: An Emotional Schema ApproachWeill-Cornell Cognitive Therapy CenterNew York, NYMay 15
Keynote: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression31st Congress of Brazilian Psychiatry AssociationCaritba, BrazilOctober 24
Keynote: Emotional Schemas and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An Integrative Social Cognitive ModelEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies (EABCT)Marrakech, MoroccoSeptember
Symposium: Impediments and Strategies in Negotiating Conflict Transformation: A Cognitive Therapy ModelEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies (EABCT)Marrakech, MoroccoSeptember
Workshop: Emotional Schema TherapyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies (EABCT)Marrakech, MoroccoSeptember
Skills Class: Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies (EABCT)Marrakech, MoroccoSeptember
Keynote SpeakerWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (WCBCT)Lima, PeruJuly 22-25
Emotion Regulation Strategies in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (WCBCT)Lima, PeruJuly 22-25
CBT for the unemployedNYU Child Study CenterNew YorkMay 20
Master Clinician: Emotional Schema TherapyInternational Conference of Metacognitive TherapyManchester, UKApril 24-26
Round Table Discussion: The Distinctive Features of CBT, MCT and ACT/MindfulnessInternational Conference of Metacognitive TherapyManchester, UKApril 24-26
Emotional Schemas and Cognitive Behavioral TherapySt. John of God HospitalDublin, IrelandApril 23
Colloquium: Emotional Schemas: How Theory of Emotion Contributes to PsychopathologyJohn Jay College, City University of New YorkNew York, NYMarch 15
Workshop Day 2: Emotion Regulation: Interpersonal Issues and Therapeutic RoadblocksPsychOz PublicationsMelbourne, AustraliaMarch 1
Workshop Day 1: Emotion Regulation in CBT: An Emotional Schema Therapy ApproachPsychOz PublicationsMelbourne, AustraliaFebruary 28
Workshop Day 2: Emotion Regulation: Interpersonal Issues and Therapeutic RoadblocksPsychOz PublicationsSydney, AustraliaFebruary 26
Workshop Day 1: Emotion Regulation in CBT: An Emotional Schema Therapy ApproachPsychOz PublicationsSydney, AustraliaFebruary 25
Master Clinician: CBT for Coping with The Experience of UnemploymentAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNational Harbor, MDNovember 15-18
Panel Discussion: An Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT): Clinical Applications of Compassion and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNational Harbor, MDNovember 15-18
Panel Discussion: Experts In Search of Common Ground: Practical Advice for CliniciansAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNational Harbor, MDNovember 15-18
Keynote: Emotional Schemas and Emotional IntelligenceBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)Leeds University. Leeds, UKJune 26-29
Full Day Workshop: Emotional Schema TherapyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)Leeds University, Leeds, UKJune 26-29
Half-Day Workshop: CBT for the UnemployedBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)Leeds University, Leeds, UKJune 26-29
Workshop: Emotion Regulation from an Emotional Schema/CBT PerspectiveOxford Cognitive Therapy CenterOxford, UKMay 9
Grand Rounds: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for The Unemployed.Cornell Cognitive Therapy Center, Weill-Cornell Department of PsychiatryNew York, NYMarch 15

How We Think About How We Feel: Beliefs About Emotions and Emotion

Regulation Chairs: Katherine Dixon-Gordon, Amelia Aldao
Discussant: Robert Leahy

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesToronto, ON CanadaNov 10-13
“Why Did You Say That? Why Not Say This, Instead?” Comparing Verbal Interventions In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Therapy (CT), and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesToronto, ON CanadaNov 10-13
Grand Rounds: Emotion Regulation in PsychotherapyMemorial Sloan Kettering HospitalNew York, NYOctober 7
Workshop: CBT for WorryHazelden
New York
322 8th Ave.
12th Floor
New York, NYOctober 3
Symposium: How Does Validation Help with Emotion Regulation?International Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyIstanbul, TurkeyJune 2-5
Keynote: Emotional Intelligence and Cognitive Therapy: A Bridge Over Troubled WatersInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyIstanbul, TurkeyJune 2-5
Master Clinician Presentation: Fear of Emotions– An Emotional Schema ApproachInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyIstanbul, TurkeyJune 2-5
Clinical symposium: Emotional Schemas and WorryInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyIstanbul, TurkeyJune 2-5
Symposium: Cognitive Therapy for NegotiationInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyIstanbul, TurkeyJune 2-5
Workshop: Treatment Resistant Anxiety: Using Roadblocks as Opportunities for ChangeInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyIstanbul, TurkeyJune 2-5
Keynote: Emotional schemas and implicit theory of emotion: Overcoming fear of feelingInternational Conference of Metacognitive TherapyManchester, UKMay 11-13
Grand Rounds: Emotional Schemas and Cognitive Behavioral TherapyInstitute of Living, Hartford HospitalHartford, CTFebruary 24
Workshop: CBT for Chronic Worry – ApplicationAmerican Institute for Cognitive TherapyNew YorkDecember 4
Emotional Schemas and PsychopathologyTeachers College, Columbia University CollquiumNew YorkDecember 1
Discussant: Addressing Commonalities Across Mental Health Disorders with Transdiagnostic TreatmentsAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesSan Francisco, CANovember 18-21
Keynote: Emotional Schemas and Cognitive TherapyEuropean Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Conference Milan, ItalyOctober
Workshop: Personal Schemas and Negotiation PitfallsEuropean Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies ConferenceMilan, ItalyOctober
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Treatment Resistant Anxiety DisordersEuropean Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies ConferenceMilan, ItalyOctober
Clinical Roundtable Panel: CBT Third Generation: Myth or Reality?European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies ConferenceMilan, ItalyOctober
Workshop: Using the Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyWorld Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesBostonJune 2, 2010
Clinical Roundtable: The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyWorld Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesBostonJune 2010
Presentation: Best-Practice Interventions for Treatment Resistant Anxiety Disorders: from Translational Research to Clinical ApplicationWorld Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesBostonJune 2010
Workshop: Treating Treatment Resistant AnxietyCEKTOS – Center for Kognitiv terapi & SupervisionCopenhagen, DenmarkMarch
Workshop: Therapeutic RelationshipCEKTOS – Center for Kognitiv terapi & SupervisionCopenhagen, DenmarkMarch
Presentation: The role of emotional avoidance in resistance to changeWeill Cornell Medical CollegeNew YorkJanuary 26
Presidential Address: The Role of Emotion in
Cognitive Therapy
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Clinical Grand Rounds: Demonstrating Cognitive TherapyAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Emotional Schemas and Generalized Anxiety DisorderAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Experiential and Cognitive Processes in Anxiety: The Role of Acceptance, Mindfulness, Meta-Cognition and Emotional Schemas (Chair: Robert Leahy)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Negative Beliefs about Emotions Mediate the Relationship between Mindfulness and Experiential Avoidance: Two Preliminary Investigations (Napolitano, Taitz, & Leahy)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Relationships among Emotional-Schemas, Psychological Flexibility, Dispositional Mindfulness, and Emotion Regulation (Tirch, Leahy, & Silberstein)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Meta-cognitive and meta-emotional processes affecting anxiety (Leahy, Tirch, & Napolitano)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Do Changes in Negative Beliefs about Emotions Mediate the Effects of Mindfulness on Experiential Avoidance? (Napolitano, Taitz, & Leahy)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20
Cognitive Therapy:
Past, Present and Future
Discussion with Aaron T. Beck, Robert L. Leahy, and Steven Hollon
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesNew York, NYNovember 20

Workshop: Treating Treatment-Resistant Anxiety

$30 for Professionals
$20 for Students

NYC-CBT and CUNY Clinical Psychology Doctoral ProgramThe Graduate Center
365 5th Ave.
Room C198
New York, NY
September 15
Doors: 5:30pm
Presentation: 7:00pm
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Treatment Resistant Anxiety DisordersBABCP 37th Annual ConferenceUniversity of Exeter
Exeter, UK
July 2009
Symposium: Getting The Message Out: News You Can UseBABCP 37th Annual ConferenceUniversity of Exeter
Exeter, UK
July 2009
Symposium: Using the Countertransference in Cognitive TherapyBABCP 37th Annual ConferenceUniversity of Exeter
Exeter, UK
July 2009
Keynote: Stimulus 101: Strategies to Coping with the Economic DownturnAssumption CollegeWorcester, MAMay 30
Workshop: Anxiety Free: Unravel Your Fears Before They Unravel YouHay House’s I CAN DO IT ­SAN DIEGO ConferenceSan Diego, CAMay 2
Workshop: Treatment Resistant AnxietyHarbor UCLA Medical Center Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ClinicLos Angeles, CAApril 30
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryOxford Cognitive Therapy CentreOxford, UKApril 23
Financial Worries: A Cognitive Therapy ApproachWeill Cornell Medical CollegeNew York, NYFebruary 10
Special Presentation: How to Handle Financial WorriesAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesOrlando, FLNovember
Discussant: Responding to Resistance in Youth CBTAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesOrlando, FLNovember 13-16
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Worry and RuminationDepression Center Annual Conference Louisville, KentuckyLouisville, KYOctober 17
Workshop: Emotional Schemas in Cognitive TherapyDepression Center Annual Conference Louisville, KentuckyLouisville, KYOctober 17
Workshop: Seven Steps to Overcoming Your WorryDepression Center Annual Conference Louisville, KentuckyLouisville, KYOctober 16
Colloquium: Beyond Rationality: The Role of Emotional Schemas in PsychotherapyColloquium at Teachers College Columbia University138 Horace Mann HallNew York, NYOctober 8
Clinical Colloquium: The Role of Emotion in PsychotherapyYeshiva UniversityNew YorkSeptember 25
Keynote: Beyond Rationality: The Role of Emotion in Cognitive Therapy.International Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyJune 21
Symposium: Personal Schemas in the Negotiating ProcessInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyJune 21
Discussant:  An Exploration of the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Emotional SchemasInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyJune 20
Symposium: Emotional schemas in the therapeutic processInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyJune 20
Full Day Workshop: Schema Mismatch in the Therapeutic Relationship: Using Roadblocks as Opportunities for ChangeInternational Congress of Cognitive PsychotherapyRome, ItalyJune 19
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryAssumption University, The Aaron T. Beck Institute for Cognitive StudiesWorcester, MAApril 18
Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder Master Clinician: Robert Leahy, PhDAnxiety Disorders Association of AmericaSavannah, GeorgiaMarch 7
Workshop: TREATMENT RESISTANT ANXIETY DISORDERSAnxiety Disorders Association of AmericaSavannah, GeorgiaMarch 6
Workshop: Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy Click Here for ApplicationAmerican Institute for Cognitive TherapyNew York, NYDecember 1
The Three Waves of of Behavior Therapy: Course Corrections or Navigation Errors?The Association for Behavioral And Cognitive Therapy ConferencePhiladelphia, PANovember
Workshop: Schematic Mismatch in the Therapeutic Relationship: Using Roadblocks as Opportunities for ChangeThe Association for Behavioral And Cognitive Therapy ConferencePhiladelphia, PANovember
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryLeading Edge Seminars Inc.Toronto, CanadaNovember
Workshop: Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy.Leading Edge Seminars Inc.Toronto, CanadaNovember
Grand Rounds: Beyond Rationality: The Role of Emotion and Meaning in Cognitive TherapyWeill-Cornell Medical SchoolNew York, NYOctober 18
Keynote Address: Beyond Rationality: The Role of Emotion and Meaning in Cognitive Therapy2007 National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive & Behaviour TherapyQueensland, AustraliaOctober 6-10
Workshop: An Integrative Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Chronic Worry2007 National Conference of the Australian Association for Cognitive & Behaviour TherapyQueensland, AustraliaOctober 6-10
Keynote Address: Beyond Rationality: Using Emotion in Cognitive Therapy2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Workshop: An Integrative Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Worry2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Presentation: The Cognitive Model of Aaron T. Beck: Its Impact and Future Directions2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Symposium: Innovations in the treatment of anxiety disorders: Chairperson of symposium – Robert L. Leahy2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Symposium: Resolving Schematic Mismatch in the Therapeutic Relationship2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Symposium: The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Therapy2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Paper: Emotional Schema Therapy in the Treatment of Anxiety2007 World Congress of Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBarcelona, SpainJuly 11-14
Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive TherapyAmerican Institute for Cognitive TherapyNew York, NYMay 19
Grand Rounds: Cognitive Therapy of Worry And Generalized Anxiety DisorderMontifiore Medical Center Bronx, NY April 5
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Worry – Click Here For More Information on this PresentationManhattan Psychological Association New York, NY January 28
Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryNYU Counseling Service New York, NY January 24
Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryGrand Rounds,Mount Sinai HospitalNew York, NYDec 7,
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Using Homework in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAssociation for the Advancement of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy(convention link)Chicago, ILNovember 16-19
Schematic Mismatch in the Therapeutic Relationship: Using Roadblocks in Therapy as Opportunities for ChangeAssociation for the Advancement of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (convention link)Chicago, ILNovember 16-19
Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive TherapyGround Rounds, State University of New York Downstate Medical CenterBrooklyn, NYNovember 8  1:00 –
2:30 PM
Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryMemorial Sloan Kettering Counselling CenterNew York, NYOctober 17
9:00 AM
Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryGrand Rounds,Lincoln HospitalNew York, NYOctober 3,  11:00 –
12:30 PM
Cognitive Therapy for Chronic WorryFerkauf Graduate School of PsychologyYeshiva University1165 Morris Park AvenueRousso Bldg Bronx NY 10461Sept 14
12:00 – 2:00 PM
Keynote Address: Emotion, Meaning, and PsychopathologyBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies ConferenceWarwick, United KingdomJuly 21, 2006
Symposium: The Therapeutic Relationship in Complex CasesBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies ConferenceWarwick, United KingdomJuly 20, 2006
Workshop: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for WorryBritish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies ConferenceWarwick, United KingdomJuly 19, 2006
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Boot Camp for Psychiatrists: Emphasizing the PracticalAmerican Psychiatric Association annual conventionToronto, CanadaMay 23, 2006
Paper: Meta-Cognition and Meta-Emotion in WorryAnxiety Disorders Association of AmericaMiami, FloridaMarch 23-26, 2006
Poster: Do Metacognitive Beliefs About Worry Differ Across the Personality Disorders? (with Lisa Napolitano)Anxiety Disorders Association of AmericaMiami, FloridaMarch 23-26, 2006
Cognitive Therapy for WorryGrand Rounds, Elmhurst Hospital Queens, NYJanuary 18, 2006
Cognitive Therapy for WorryGrand Rounds, Bellevue Hospital/ NYU Medical SchoolNew York, NYDecember 13
Cognitive Therapy for WorryGrand Rounds, Payne Whitney Clinic, New York HospitalNew York, NYDecember 12, 2005
Symposium: Links between Cognition and Emotion in Psychopathology Chair: Robert L. LeahyAssociation for the Advancement of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (convention link)Washington, DCNovember 16-21, 2005
Integrating the Meta-Cognitive and Meta-Emotional Models of Worry Robert L. LeahyAssociation for the Advancement of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyWashington, DCNovember 16-21, 2005
What are the emotional schema predictors of personality disorders? (with Lisa Napolitano)Association for the Advancement of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyWashington, DCNovember 16-21, 2005
Precongress Workshop: Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive TherapyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapyThessaloniki, GreeceSeptember 22-25, 2005
Symposium: The Therapeutic RelationshipEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapyThessaloniki, GreeceSeptember 22-25, 2005
Workshop: Transference and Countertransference in Cognitive TherapyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapyThessaloniki, GreeceSeptember 22-25, 2005
Keynote Address: A Cognitive Model of Emotional ProcessingInternational Conference for Cognitive
Goteborg, SwedenJune 13-17 2005
Symposium: The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (Website)International Conference for Cognitive PsychotherapyGoteborg, SwedenJune 13-17 2005
Workshop: Resolving Impasses in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyInternational Conference for Cognitive PsychotherapyGoteborg, SwedenJune 13-17 2005
Overcoming resistance in cognitive therapyGrand Rounds, Zucker Hillside HospitalGlen Oaks, NYApril 27, 2005
Discussion: Treatment Ambivalence, Readiness and Resistance in Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderAssociation for the Advancement of Behavior TherapyNew Orleans, LANovember 18-21, 2004
Emotional Schemas and Relationship Adjustment (with Danielle Kaplan)Association for the Advancement of Behavior TherapyNew Orleans, LANovember 18-21, 2004
Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapySt. Vincent’s Hospital: Grand RoundsNew York City October 21, 2004
Overcoming Roadblocks in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (click for link!)New Hampshire Psychological AssociationManchester, New Hampshire October 15, 2004
Overcoming Roadblocks in cognitive-behavioral therapyDept. of Psychiatry, Univ. of Connecticut Health CenterFarmington, CTOctober 1, 2004
The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive Behavior TherapyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapyManchester, United KingdomSeptember 10, 2004
Chair: Opening CeremonyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapyManchester, United KingdomSeptember 8, 2004
Resolving Roadblocks in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy WorkshopEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapyManchester, United KingdomSeptember 8, 2004
Schemas in the Therapeutic RelationshipKeynote Address. Society for Psychotherapy ResearchRome, ItalyJune 16-20, 2004
Understanding and Using Transference and Countertransference in Cognitive TherapyPsychiatric Hospital in AarhusThe University Hospital, Aarhus, DenmarkApril 30, 2004
Understanding and Using Transference and Countertransference in Cognitive TherapyPsychiatric Hospital in AarhusThe University Hospital, Aarhus, DenmarkApril 29, 2004
Workshops: Cognitive Therapy with the Resistant PatientPsychiatric Hospital in AarhusThe University Hospital, Aarhus, DenmarkApril 28, 2004
Poster: Emotional Socialization and Emotional SchemasAnxiety Disorders Association of America ConferenceMiami, FloridaMarch 13, 2004
Poster: Meta-Cognitive Aspects of Worry and Parental SocializationAnxiety Disorders Association of America ConferenceMiami, FloridaMarch 13, 2004
Resistance in Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyPenobscot County Dual Diagnosis CollaborativeBangor, MaineMarch 5, 2004
Emotional Processing and Cognitive TherapyDepartment of Psychiatry,Weill-Cornell Medical CollegeWestchester Co., NYFebruary 19, 2004
Emotional Processing and Cognitive TherapyDepartment of Psychiatry,Weill-Cornell Medical College,New York, NYJanuary 22, 2004
Overcoming roadblocks in cognitive therapyAssociation for the Advancement of Behavioral TherapyBostonNovember 1, 2003
Resolving impasses in cognitive therapyAssociation for the Advancement of Behavioral TherapyBostonNovember 1, 2003
Metacognition, Emotional Schemas and Personality DisordersEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapyPrague, Czech RepublicSeptember 1, 2003
Overcoming resistance in cognitive therapyEuropean Association for Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapyPrague, Czech RepublicSeptember 1, 2003
A cognitive model of manic-depressive thinkingBritish Association of Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapyYork, UKJuly 18, 2003
A cognitive model of validationBritish Association of Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapyYork, UKJuly 17, 2003
Overcoming Roadblocks in Cognitive Behavioral TherapyBritish Association of Behavioral and Cognitive PsychotherapyYork, UKJuly 16, 2003
Longitudinal Assessment of Emotional Schemas in Bipolar Outpatients (with Wenze, S., Leahy, R.L., Endick, C., Singer, T., Goldberg, J.)American Psychiatric AssociationSan FranciscoMay 19, 2003.
Integrative social-cognitive therapySociety for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integratioon (SEPI)NYCMay 2-4, 2003
Resolving resistances in cognitive therapySociety for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI)NYCMay 2-4, 2003
Cognitive Therapy and Psychotherapy IntegrationColloquium, McGill UniversityMontreal, QuebecMay 1, 2003
A cognitive model of emotional Schemas: Theory, Research and Clinical ImplicationsDept. of PsychologyYale UniversityApril 17, 2003
2002 and earlier   
A model of emotional schemasAssociation for Advancement of Behavior TherapyReno, NVNovember 1, 2002
Validation as a Cognitive Therapy StrategyBritish Association of Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyWarwick, UKJuly 2002
Workshop: Cognitive Therapy of ResistanceBritish Association of Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyWarwick, UKJuly 2002
Empathy in Cognitive TherapyBritish Association of Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyWarwick, UKJuly 2002
Decision Making Processes in ManiaAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT)PhiladelphiaNovember 2002
Emotional Schemas in Cognitive TherapyAssociation for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT)PhiladelphiaNovember 2002
31st Annual Congress of European Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies Istanbul, Turkey11 – 15 September 2001
Emotional Schemas in Cognitive TherapyEuropean Association of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyIstanbul, TurkeySeptember, 2001
Plenary Address. Depression and decision makingEuropean Association of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyIstanbul, TurkeySeptember, 2001
Cognitive Therapy of ResistanceEuropean Association of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyIstanbul, TurkeySeptember, 2001
Psychopathology as Adaptation (Keynote address)European Association of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyIstanbul, TurkeySeptember, 2001
Cognitive Therapy of ResistanceWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyVancouver, CanadaJuly 1, 2001
Decision-making processes in bipolar disorderWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyVancouver, CanadaJuly 1, 2001
Investment model of depression: perceived resources, control and risk-aversionWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyVancouver, CanadaJuly 1, 2001
Mechanisms of action in CBT for bulimia nervosaWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyVancouver, CanadaJuly 1, 2001
Resolution of DilemmasWorld Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyVancouver, CanadaJuly 1, 2001
Theoretical Models Of Depression (chair)World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral TherapyVancouver, CanadaJuly 1, 2001
Depressive Decision-Making(Keynote address)British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyGlasgow, ScotlandJune 22, 2001
Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive TherapyBritish Association of Behavioural and Cognitive PsychotherapyGlasgow, ScotlandWednesday 20th June 2001
Depression and Decision-MakingDepartment of Psychiatry, Mass-General Hospital/ Harvard Medical SchoolCambridge, MAMay 3, 2001
Overcoming Therapeutic Impasses In Cogntive TherapyAmerican Institute for Cognitive TherapyNYC May 2001
Cognitive Therapy of ResistanceDepartment of Psychiatry, University of ViennaVienna, AustriaApril 6, 2001
Cognitive Therapy
Substance Abuse Miniseries by
Dr. Graham Reynolds